Commissioned for the month-long installation in the rear of the Supervsn Studios on Slauson, BLACK DISCOURSE created a one channel looping sound work that explores the sonic identity of Los Angeles as the listener travels from East to West. In synch with a 30 minute hike through Kenneth Hahn, the piece invites listeners to find grounding in the non-human elements and learn how to tune out the noise.
The sonic work invites the sounds of the local morning birds to find a certain attunement with the also early morning car alarms and morning traffic. As the seeker sit and listens that are traveling West deeper away from the quiet and into the city. A sonic archetype of Los Angeles is layered on top of police helicopters, elote vendors, deep bass oldies, laughter amongst friends and the forever hum of an open window in traffic. As the sound of the city almost become droning the seeker is parked at Kenneth Hahn where the sounds of the city begin to slowly disintegrate away as the desert dirt clay and rock steps become the hero sound.
It is then the settling with in the equally loud loud sounds of nature that we get a glismps of who the artist could be. If they are alone. A reflection that in the cacophany of noise we can loose sight of inquiry, ownership and possible the ability to listen to self. This sound peice was played in realtionship with the Brick-by-Brick installation that calls all artists to slow down, spend time and nature to evaluate their values, their interestsm their needs and their vision. We invited Kenneth Hahn into the store sonically and it continues you to invite you to its trails.